16 April 2009

History Of Se7en Town & Fully Saiia

I have had been 8 months joined with Blogger.com for se7en town since September 2008.

But, Fully Saiia joined with Blogger.com since August 2008. Firstly, I have WELCOME TO MY FIRST BLOG SAIIA for my Blog title, But 3 months ago I choose to use Fully Saiia, coz I think the name is more simple.

Then I started for "fixed my se7en town coz there is no widget and I just have 2 articles, then I wrote 3 articles ang add some widget on it since 14 March 2009.

And That is the result:

912 visitor visited my blog since 14 March- 15 April 2009, it means that 912 people visited se7en town on 1 month! 
THAT'S INCERDIBLE!!! coz beside my experiences, my Fully Saiia Blog can't invite 912 visitor for 1 month. So, I decide to write more interest articles. Thank u se7enrioza!!!

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